Initiation ProgrammeFor The Newly Arrived Children


Delia Memorial School (Hip Wo) has been appointed by the Education Bureau to organize the Initiation Programme for Newly Arrived Children (“the Programme”). The Programme is offered free of charge to those children who are newly arrived from the Mainland and the other countries.


Objectives of the Programme

There are three objectives of the Programme: 

  • To raise the English and Chinese standard of the newly arrived children
  • To help them adapt to the society of Hong Kong,
  • To develop themselves and provide them with some local learning experience through practical courses. 

Arrangement of the Programme

  • The Programme is of secondary level and on a full-time basis.
  • The Programme commences in September and February and the course lasts 5 months.
  • Upon completion of the course, the children will be allocated to the appropriate schools to continue studying.

Number of Classes

The Programme offers two types of classes, “Chinese” and “non-Chinese” classes, taking in those children who are newly arrived from the Mainland, non-Chinese speakers, and returned emigrants.


     Students’ background


     Non-Chinese speaking students and returned emigrants


     Newly arrived children from the Mainland

Opening of New Class

The number of students in each class is 20. A new class will be opened if the number of students is over 25.

Split Class

Teachers can apply for extra human resources for the arrangement of split class teaching according to the teaching and learning needs, i.e.: learner’s diversity, different admission time, etc.

Online Application

For online application, please click here.

Adaptation activity highlights