External Co-operation
 - Compassion for the needy
-- Band Music Course
--- Video Course


Organizer:  Breakthrough

Sponsors:   Quality Education Fund

Theme:       Compassion for the minorities

F.4 ¡V F.7 students with band music knowledge
F.4 ¡V F.7 student with filming and editing knowledge

The objective of this event is to enhance the understanding of the students towards the situation of South Asian students. Hand in hand with local students, the South Asian youths will bring you the world of their lives in Hong Kong. Through songs and video stories, we would write a musical platform with different cultures. Through the interaction, understanding and co-operation, we hope students can learn to be considerable and accept other cultures. As well as through the performance, students, teachers and the society can learn more about South Asians.

Nature:  The course is divided 3 sections 

Class:  Theme, Outside visit and service

Project:  Each school will present 2 songs relevant to the theme.

Each school will present 1 part of a video clip showing South Asian students life. (5 mins)

The 2 groups (music production group and video production group) will share their experiences through the presenting of their production.

*  Student products will be collected in CD or VCD form. These would be given to the participates as souvenirs, it will also be distributed to the participating schools as well as to to other schools as sharing purpose.

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